Sunday, June 17, 2012

Let the nowhere come to you

For days, even weeks and quite possibly months, I have been trying to get to a place. A place where I can just sit and stare into the vastness of terra firma. Just look at a lot of land in front of me. Not to be worried about the harshness of sun above or the hardness of rock below. No purpose, no obvious reason but just to be by myself.

The act of getting to this nowhere is infinitely hard. You need to get out at the right time, deal with the traffic and drive for possibly hours. You rush through all of these just to defeat the whole purpose. Getting to nowhere isn't supposed to be rushed or purposeful. It isn't supposed to be hard or time bound. You just arrive at some place by pure chance and just be there. But the whole idea becomes something about a purpose and following a procedure. By the time you do get somewhere it has become an activity that has tired you out and can't really enjoy the emptiness of it all.

It is a bit like the lack of clarity of thought. You're always trying to get to an idea rather than letting it come to you. A mind full of thoughts can't be empty enough for bliss to pour in. Achieving this, to me is the lightness of being.