Monday, November 26, 2007

Movies Music and Engineering...

Talking a bit more about engg geeks...oops!!...grads...Two activities seem to dominate any engineering student's schedule, Music and Movies.

At least, for me both have been soul savers. No job, no girlfriend, no fun...don't go to delhi...listen to music and watch movies. I have a very quotable quote, "A movie a day keeps tension at bay".

Creatures living in dungeons called Boys hostels either fall for drum abusing rockstars or my personal favorite Himesh bhai!!(Plz don't infer anything from this). Those aliens living in girls hostels either go nuts for bhai or give in to immortals like Enrique (who ,by the way, only demands kisses, pain and weird sex with his music).

In the bigger picture, more pressing question is why does this happen. People have called me names and don't know what else for watching so many movies and listening to such a variety of music. Obviously, these people have never known a thing ,as this pain, called Engineering. They can't even imagine such a schedule. They would die and still would not except in the final hour of truth that they don't have any taste of their own and follow whatever MTV, [V] and VH1 ask them to.

Whatever maybe the reason, one thing for sure, if we worship these two things, internet has to be the place of worship. Forget about month late releases, waiting eagerly for arrivals, lagging season schedules. You get it as it happens(even if not released). Right or wrong, I am no one to decide.

There is a strange addiction to this. Ever since I got my desktop PC in hostel, there hasn't been a single day that has passed without some insanely loud music or a fast forward show of a movie.

So, coming back to question, why. Well, I have heard a few explanations
"They complete me"
"I don't need to understand Hetfield, he completely gets me!!"(yeah punk... he is your brother...)
"Gump was so innocent"
"Dude, that movie rocks"
"Mind blowing action, MAN!!"

Well I have a few of mine. But I won't list them(don't wanna come across as dumb). But what I can think of is.....We seem to find that glamor, that excitement, that passion, that energy, that missing edge (This is not a Viagra commercial punch keep reading) that we don't have with us. As engineers, more often than not, we are honest enough to accept what we lack and thats why we try to complete all that. Some may call all this superficial and unreal, but they are no more superficial and unreal than us. At least we dare to accept.

So till someone gives me a good reason to stop listening to cold play, I am not stopping...They get me!!

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